RAP Awareness Day is a day beneficiaries meet those behind the scene of RAP Charity and its management. It is a day we raise awareness of all forms of Abuse to our guests, especially spiritual abuse. A day of seminar / workshops on how to work with victims of Abuse. We have guest Speakers for the Day, and also a day of ministerial touch. It is day of reflection on the past years events and achievements to our beneficiaries and to us as an organisation. It is always amazing how certain people feel they are beyond abuse and only to come in touch of their denial after our seminars or been to our website. We allow one live testimony on RAP Awareness Day and read the rest out - you can read on encouragement page.
Nikky testifying at RAP Awareness day, “I am one of the beneficiaries of RAP, my life has been positively touched by RAP in every area of my life especially emotionally and spiritually. I thank God for every way RAP has benefited me and my family. |
Olena one of RAP beneficiaries testified at RAP Awareness Day, “ I fell into depression with fear, always emotionally down that I almost committed suicide three times. I lost faith in God as I was only one year a Christian and was discouraged from church. I know God led me to find RAP website and started counselling. God used Rev Sophy to save my life, restores my faith and to love God again. |
This year RAP Awareness Day, we felt a need to show appreciation through RAP first award certificates to five appreciated donors to RAP Charity and its beneficiaries. Olena was given the honour to award the certificates to those present on behalf of RAP Charity & its beneficiaries and gifts to the guest speakers & song minister of the day. Click on R.A.P Awards for recognition of those who received donors / honorable appreciation tributes award. |