Parental abuse is a form of
domestic violence. It can leave a person feeling embarrassed, ashamed, angry
and terrified. With emotional feelings that are so intense they overtake logic
and reason but it doesn’t mean you are weak or not intelligent. Parental Abuse is real
behaviour in homes; a form of domestic violence has traditionally been
characterized by silence as parents are too
embarrassed to bring the abuse to light whenever a child or teen intentionally
harms a parent physically or psychologically - emotional
or financial damage to gain power and control over a parent. The abusive
behaviour usually begins verbally and emotionally that is deliberately harmful
to the parent and then may become physical. Parental abuse crosses all
social, cultural and economic lines - poor and rich, educated and uneducated.
Women who are single parents are often the target of abuse as mothers seems to
continue to be the primary caregivers in most families and often have closer
emotional and physical connections to their children. Parental abuse can affect single
and two parent families equally. It is usually the mother (or the main caregiver)
who is most affected along with other members of the family too. Types of Parental Abuse Children as young as eight or nine do abuse their parents,
but it appears more prevalent during adolescence and in young adults up to 26
years of age. Children being abusive toward a parent may range from a one-time
incident, escalating in frequency to the point of a daily occurrence to
adulthood. It can range from
- Verbal abuse and
intimidation to outright physical assault
- Belittling parents
in front of friends/other family members/public,
- Continuously running
away from home,
- Manipulative threats
such as suicide (without intent to attempt),
- Controlling the
running of the household,
- Expecting the parent
to drop everything to meet their needs.
- Financial abuse includes stealing or "borrowing"
the parent's belongings without permission, damaging the home or
possessions, demanding things which parents cannot afford and acquiring
debts that the parent must pay.
If you are the
target of parental abuse, you’re probably living in fear of volcanic eruption
of abusive behaviour. Many a time it occurs with no emotion: a quiet,
deliberate act used to maintain power or get their self destructive way over a
parent. You can help yourself by asking yourself if you will tolerate the
actions of your child as assault or abusive if it was someone else’s – a family
member, friend, neighbour or co-worker – This would open your inner eyes of
understanding and help you take the emotion out of evaluating an abusive
situation that has led to so many disfunctioning behaviour in society at large. Warning
Signs of Parental Abuse Some children feel vulnerable and
isolated leading to releasing their anger often directly towards their parents.
These children who abuses often has poor communication skills, wants to control,
always places blame on others, has little control over impulses, and suffers
from low self-esteem. It’s been
identified that often those abusing their parent does it wilfully and for
enjoyment. Society plays a role in creating, accepting and perpetuating abusive
behaviour. Sometimes a situation escalates without us even realizing it,
as to understanding some potential warning signs that a child’s behaviour is
abusive: ·
Intimidated. It’s normal
to feel your child is pushing boundaries to get what he/she wants until a
parent can finally snap, “I
told you no!” the child
will retaliate in a way that is fearfully harmful to you by Intimidation with
words, the tone of voice or even just a look. ·
Extreme oppositional behaviour reaches a point that your child has
no respect for your authority as a parent, outright defying the rules of your
home with no fear or concern of consequences.
When your child is not just defying the house rules but breaking the law, you
have every right to call in law enforcement to curtail this type of behaviour
before it leads to criminal offence. ·
Pattern of Violence. Kids get angry, slam doors, throw things
in a fit on the floor in their room may result in you having to re-buy things
you valued to the point of destroying property, punching walls, shoving,
hitting things near you or throwing things that “almost” hit you, making verbal
threats or violating your personal boundaries to even adulthood, this is a definite
pattern of abusive behaviour by action of control, manipulate and try to intimidate. |
on ParentsParents being
abused experience ·
harm resulting in medical treatment, damage to property, theft and bullying at
the hands of their child, and tragically, some led even death. ·
children behaving aggressively, abusively and self-destructively, instead of
being the healthy child the parents want them to be, leaves many parents in a
state of despair. This is because they feel helpless and have no control over
their child's hurtful actions. ·
biggest obstacles to overcoming parental abuse are shame and blame, because
it's tough to even think about getting help as to acknowledging or naming the
problem is painful. ·
do not find the help they need, once parents that are suffering abuse find the
courage to reach out, that is the reason why parental abuse is an increasing common
problem but not often talked about or adequately addressed. ·
in silence, which parents’ sufferers do not have to go through as there are
support systems out there to take back control. You do not have to give your
power away and can put a stop to this abuse. As with any form of abuse, you
must recognize that you are not at fault and do not deserve this treatment from
any child. ·
their best to their children with life guiding skills, but a child deliberately
ignores parental guidance and later blames the parent that they are abused
child of an all-giving lovely parent for every error step taken that backfires
suffering and some criminal record offenses to them. A parent must never accept
this definite pattern of abusive behaviour by action of control, manipulate and try to
intimidate from any child because you refuse to accommodate their path of self
destruction. |
parents feel guilty, blaming themselves for their child’s behaviour, by
questioning their parental skills. While true
underlying factors contributing to parental abuse including ·
boundaries ·
abuse (by either a parent or child), ·
coping skills with moral upbringing due to peer pressure. ·
act and enjoying of the power that comes from intimidating a parent. ·
psychological conditions such as 1)
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) :- symptoms
can cause significant problems in a child's life, such as underachievement
at school, poor social interaction with other children and adults, and problems
with discipline. a) The main signs of inattentiveness are: having a short
attention span and being easily distracted, making careless mistakes – for example, in schoolwork, appearing
forgetful or losing things, being unable to stick at tasks that are tedious or
time-consuming, appearing to be unable to listen to or carry out instructions,
constantly changing activity or task, having difficulty organising tasks b) The main signs of hyperactivity and impulsiveness are
being unable to sit still, especially in calm or quiet surroundings, constantly
fidgeting, being unable to concentrate on tasks, excessive physical movement,
excessive talking, being unable to wait their turn, acting without thinking,
interrupting conversations, little or no sense of danger 2)
defiant disorder (ODD) :– this is defined by
negative and disruptive behaviour, particularly towards authority figures, such
as parents and teachers. They often try to get a
reaction out of people, and they are often successful. Common ones are:
inciting spouses to fight with each other and not focus on the child, making
outsiders believe that all the fault lies with the parents, making certain
susceptible people believe that they can "save" the child by doing
everything the child wants, setting parents against grandparents, setting
teachers against parents, and inciting the parents to abuse the child. I
frequently see children with ODD in which teachers and parents and sometimes
others are all fighting amongst each other rather than with the child who is
causing all the turmoil in the first place. 3)
disorder (CD): - repetitive and persistent pattern of behaviour in which the
basic rights of others or major society rules are violated. Which often
involves a tendency towards highly antisocial behaviour, such as stealing,
fighting, run away from home overnight or without returning home for a
lengthy period Or often skips school; vandalism
and harming people or animals, 4)
behaviour : Can be positive or negative impact, where the feeling of being
approved or belonging leads to imitation of the behaviour they have observed,
which usually lead to a change in a person's behaviour. In society, while parents play a major role in their child's
development, other people, such as family members, friends, peers, teachers,
police and church leaders influence our children. The media and advertising are
also strong influences as children are exposed to characters
on children’s TV to violence at every turn. Even world leaders and
Disney films sanction violence by the "good guys".. Theses models
provide examples of behaviour to observe and imitate. |
to Parental Abuse There
is no excuse or rationale for abusive behaviour; despite we try to understand
what’s going on in any situation. So is aggressive
and abusive behaviour in childhood or adolescence, that matures to adulthood of
your child violating the rights of others. Parental abuse is serious or illegal
as the home is the place where a child learns how to interact in the world by learning
what’s acceptable, not acceptable and consequences for behavioural accountability.
It’s natural for a parent to protect their own child’s abusive behaviour or feel
torn as igniting buttons of anger, disappointment and hurt in a parent. Only
you as a parent can decide what you’re able to follow through with at any given
time. Here are some suggestions: 1)
Communicate Boundaries
by making sure your non-verbal communication (what you do) matches your verbal
communication (what you say). 2)
Communicate Consequences for Abusive Behaviour of any kind despite you love them entails you calling
the police and they will be held accountable for their behaviour. When the child is in their
teens and are basically ignoring, arguing and disrespecting youtake
a step further by taking them to a Solicitor to explain to them consequences of
their Abusive behaviour to you as a parent and to the society at large and make
them sign an agreement with you that if they cross the boundaries set on the
agreement you call the police. You may choose to provide other consequences,
other than legal, that you could enforce. 3)
the Authorities if
out of hand, though it can be difficult for a parent worrying about the long
term consequences of contacting the police or unable to handle the thought of
their child facing charges. Remember you are not doing any child a favour by
allowing him/her to engage in abusive behaviour without consequence or there is
the risk that this will generalize to his future relationships with a spouse,
his own children or other members of society at large. Children up to the age
of 18 are governed by the laws and procedures of juvenile court. Any conviction
on abuse charges would not appear on their permanent criminal records. Juvenile
laws are in place to take over when a child refuses to abide by parental rules.
Therefore, a parent suffering physical, emotional or financial abuse at the
hands of a child should not be ashamed to call the police. Penalties for
criminal behaviour such as assault and theft may be less extreme than those for
adult perpetrators, but they can effectively stop abuse at home before
irredeemable harm occurs to the family. 4)
Get Support. Parental abuse is a serious issue and needs
immediate attention and intervention before it gets out of hand to
self-destructive behaviour and communal problem. Get support from family or
friends – anyone you think will be supportive by giving a Listening ear - Being non-judgmental - Respect confidentiality - Looking
for strengths - Giving helpful messages,
"You don't deserve to be going through abuse”- Being aware of community
resources that will provide support to you. If your natural supports will only
make the situation worse by judging you 5)
Seek help from a professional
who will support you in gaining a leadership role in your family by contacting
a local domestic violence hotline, mediation if the child is willing to
acknowledge that they are responsible for their own abuse, anger management and
parenting workshops, counsellor or support group as Restoration for Abused
People (RAP) in your locality. 6)
Break the
barrier of helplessness of Parental Abuse by educating
yourself. Braise yourself to work on the issue, instead of being passive and
feeling helpless, often gives parents strength. 7)
Safety plan by calling a
relative, friend, or police. It does not mean you don't love your child as
protecting our children is essential, but that protection cannot be traded
against personal safety of self and your family. 8)
Refuse to be provoked by your
child to react. If you react emotionally or physically, so will your child. 9)
Learn to be assertiveness -
Think before reacting to act. If you mean no, say no without threaten or yell. Don't
give in, you will eventually regain power. 10) Model and Acknowledge respectful good non-abusive
behaviour. But be clear and consistent about rules, boundaries and
consequences. If you are facing Parental Abuse issue in
your family, rely on your inner strength and wisdom to guide you toward the
best answers for your family as you need strength and empowerment for immediate
attention and intervention before it gets out of hand to self-destructive
behaviour and communal problem. Remind yourself that you might not feel like
you have the strength right now, to handle what look like insurmountable
problem, but doing something can help you get rid of the feeling of
powerlessness that often comes with parental abuse .That distressing feeling
which makes you feel you have done something wrong while raising your children.
Instead of beating yourself up about the way you are being treated by your child,
as you may not have a part in causing what is happening now but you do have
some power to directing how your relationship will be going forward for there’s no shortcut or quick fix to a healthier
relationship with your child, it starts with acknowledgement of the issue and
accountability for their behaviour to
adulthood. Reason for raising Awareness of Parental
Abuse is to increase awareness of this issue in order to help rebuild
resilience and improve family relations for a better community at large. Restoration for Abused
People (RAP) Note –
In English law, a non-molestation
order may be granted under Section 42 of the Family
Law Act 1996. Non-molestation
orders are a type of injunction used to protect an individual from intimidation
or harassment. Breaching a non-molestation order is a criminal offence.Non-molestation orders sought for
protection from domestic violence qualify for legal aid regardless
of the applicant's income |